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It’s Christmas time
In the Amazon.

We took Portuguese classes for 3 weeks. We learned a lot about how to pronounce things and it was very helpful. Here are our favorite parts of the class, (Rachel, Caleb, and Naomi only took the classes).
Caleb: Learning how to count to 1,000
Naomi: Learning when and how to put accents on letters.
Just a reminder about our family Youtube channel, (JoinValley) so you can see what we’re doing alongside the newsletter.
Another reminder about my (Caleb) Youtube channel. I do stop-motion videos with my Legos. To find me, click on the hyperlink, or search “@CALego”.
The police always have their lights on, but they only use their sirens whenever it is a real emergency. Sometimes it looks like they just don’t want to stop for the red light. 😂
Whenever women get married, they don’t just change their last name, they make one last name their middle name and the other their last name. People with high authority have VERY long names. For example, this queens name was “Dona Francisca Carolina Joana Carlota Leopoldina Romana Xavier de Paula Micaela Gabriela Rafaela Gonzaga”.
Enough of the weird names. Let’s talk about some weird Portuguese words!
The word for “Cobblestone” is pronounced: Pada-leli-pee-peh-du
Vicks Vapor Rub is pronounced: Vicky-vapa-hubee
Portuguese Vocabulary Words & Phrases
How to Say Our Names
Fred: pronounced, “Fred-gee”
Rachel: pronounced “Ha-kel”. R’s have a “h” sound in Portuguese. And the “L” is pronounced like a “w” when it is at the end of a word.
Caleb: pronounced “Ca-lé-bee”.
Naomi: pronounced “No-eh-mí”.
Jojo: pronounced “Sho-Sho”.
Interesting Facts
Brazil is home to 60% of the Amazon rainforest!
Brazil’s national animal is the jaguar.
Top 3 Moments of the Month
Thanksgiving in Brazil.
Georgia winning the SEC Championship.
Everybody else's top 3 moments.
Going to the downtown Christmas area.
Taking Portuguese classes.
Going to Florianopolis (a really cool island full of beaches) for three days.
Christmas lights (downtown)
Hiking to the top of O Mirante for the first time.
Going Ice skating.
Going to Florianopolis.

Ice skating (downtown)
Going to Florianopolis.
Seeing the Christmas lights.
And going to O Mirante for the first with the Family.

O Mirante
Going to Florianopolis.
Riding on a Christmas Trolly.
Decorating the Christmas tree at church.
What We Think About Brazil in Our Own Words
Fred: Three months into it, I’m having more moments we’re I’m like, “Seriously, I’m living in another country?!” It feels almost natural, and I think that’s because everyone is so helpful. I have moments where I have to remind myself, “This is a different country. So make sure you’re prepared and thinking ahead.” It’s also really strange to have “Christmas in July”. It is summer time, and hot and humid, but all the Christmas decorations (including Santa) are just like if it was winter.
Rachel: The people are amazing, the food tastes delicious, and the language is very hard, but I am determined to learn it!
Caleb: Everyday feels like an adventure. Whether we are staying home or going to the grocery store, every day we are doing something new.
Naomi: It’s fun because they have a lot of activities. The food is good, and I love the lights.
Joanna: I like Brazil because I like to go on the Christmas Train, go to the beach, and I like to sleep in my house.
Enjoy your Christmas, we’ll be enjoying ours!